

Our community would like to share their experience of 鲍德温 with you. 十大外围app邀请您来听下面十大外围app的学生演讲和阅读十大外围app的家长的感言.



  • Claudia Baldassano (P '18, '23)


    最初, 我为我的两个女儿选择了鲍德温,是因为它在学术上的卓越声誉, in which 鲍德温 has far surpassed all of our expectations. However beyond that, 鲍德温 has given my daughters so much more. It has made them learners instead of memorizers, 思考者代替机器人, curious about their world not be self-limited. 鲍德温让他们问为什么和如何做,而且这一切都是在最热情和温暖的环境中完成的.
  • 帕特·韦泽(P '24, '22)

    “Your daughters are going to grow up being confident, 有发言权, knowing who she is and ready to go out into the world and make it a better place.”
    I'm connecting two memories or two moments in time. One was coming to 鲍德温 when our oldest daughter was four. My husband and I got a tour by one of the Lamplighters. She was a 鲍德温 high schooler and we were so impressed by her confidence, 她是如何表现自己并与他人互动的,十大外围app希望有一天十大外围app的女儿也能像她一样.
  • Tom Bachrach(第29、31页)

    “The number one thing for me is the all-girls aspect. I think there's a culture here that goes with the all-girls, but also the way they just specifically do it at 鲍德温.”
    最初,十大外围app为两个女儿看了很多学校,这里对她们来说就像家一样. It was just a guttural reaction that this was the place I wanted my daughters to be. I didn't go to an all-girls school as it turns out, but my wife did. She started at an all-girls school, spent the first half of her education in that environment, 然后她去了男女合校. She was the only girl in her AP Physics there. 她觉得她可以把所有其他女孩从她的全女生经历中拉出来,然后把她们放在那里,班级就会是一半一半了.
  • Martha Ortiz (P '16)

    "At 鲍德温, I see firsthand the value in an all-girls school."

    鲍德温 represents the school environment I wish I had growing up. I was educated in a middle-of-the-road school system and I knew it early on. It took me years to get caught up to my college peers. 而不是, I wanted my daughter to be challenged for the right reasons, not for lack of a good elementary or high school education.
  • 霍华德·菲利普斯(P '17)

    "I can't imagine a better preparation for our girls for their lives after 鲍德温. Truly, a uniquely wonderful place."

    My daughter Katie went to public school from grades 1-7. As she progressed through middle school, it became apparent that she was not challenged at all by the work. 七年级的时候,十大外围app决定给她找一所合适的学校. We did some research and quickly knew that 鲍德温 would be the right place.
  • 凯文·斯蒂尔(P '22)

    “…that's a tribute to the faculty, 行政部门, 他们做得很好,欢迎人们来到这里,孩子们做着非凡的事情.”
    与其他学校相比,有一件事一直让我印象深刻,那就是我在其他学校看到了很多被迫的多样性, but it seems naturally diverse here in a number of different ways. I think that's a tribute to the faculty, 行政部门, 他们做得很好,欢迎人们来到这里,孩子们做着非凡的事情.